Friday, December 29, 2006

" she's setting herself up for disaster...."

I can't believe it's been two years since Chelsi and I wrote "Cannonball." That's a long time and so much has changed between then and now.

I just wanted to update you guys and let you know that we're working on a re-write of the "Cannonball" to let you all know. We're keeping the stories in tact, but we're working out the technicalities, the things that don't make sense, the things that are super unrealistic, all that. Two years later we can see the inconsistencies, and well, they scream at us. Haha. So they have to be fixed.

So we're working on it, and we hope to have the re-writing beginning on LS within the next month.

We hope you have a safe and happy New Year. Be careful kids.


Anonymous said...


So is this going to be like why Taylor did what he did to himself? Or like make taylor and forgot her name........ fall in love and be togethger? Is that is how the re-write going to be?

Are you guys re-writing all the tridoglys?

Just wondering

Keep up the great work~

Tiff said...

It's going to tell more of why he did what he did. It's also going to focus more on how things were, setting them to a much more realistic timetable.

We plan to keep the major plot points, but honestly we're not completely sure exactly what's going to happen. These characters have minds of their own, for sure. We're rewriting to make the stories and writing stronger. :)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting, and we hope you'll stick with us. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany and Chelsi it's Danielle haven't been here in awhile. I'm so glad you guy's are rewritting the triology again it's going to be so good. Can't wait for it to be reposted keep up the great work. :)

Tiff said...

Hey Danielle, great to see you're still with us! :) My classes started back on Monday and I think Chelsi's start next Monday, but we're going to work out a sort of schedule for writing time. And God forbid, but if it has to happen, one of us will rewrite it alone. But, right now we have every intention of doing it together. We were just talking about the story and we were listing the problems with it and everything and we thought the time had come for a rewrite. :) We hope to see you around because there will be lots to come! (And maybe if we can get the rewrite mastered, we'll get one of the two other long fics going that we started on....haha, both have very different and promising plots, that's a promise.)

Anonymous said...

I have been interested in this theme for a long time and it was insulting for me that during development of technologies, I still search for the information offline. With the advent of your site I have plunged with all my soul into Internet.

Tiff said...

Last anonymous poster - sorry, but I'm a little confused by your comment. Care to enlighten me?