Saturday, May 12, 2007

"'re all I see...."

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to take a second to let you all know chapter 7 of part one of "The Cannonball Trilogy" is now up at Last Stop. Please take some time to check it out, and then leave us a comment on the blog (right here!). Tell us what you like and what you don't. What you're telling us is helping to steer the direction of the re-write, it really *does* matter.

When you comment, if you don't have a blogger name, you can comment as 'anonymous,' but be sure to leave your name within the body of the post so we'll know who you are.

And, over the past week, in addition to this story, Chelsi and I have been working on two others that we'd begun a while ago. Very different than most hanfic. Once we get enough written, we'll be sharing those with you guys.

We really appreciate every one of you who reads, and everyone who comments.

Tiff & Chelsi


Anonymous said...

Oh see said yes to being zac's bf. i feel trouble coming, especially in volving Taylor and I love it. Yay! *evil grin*

Michelle G

Anonymous said...

as always amazing.
i love Ike and Alex they are just so sweet and even after last chapter Ike still got her breakfest and meds to make her feel better so sweet (love me some Ike).
Poor Tay her fam is harch gar.
I so look forward to what's to come i feel it's going to be big.

Love Hayley

Anonymous said...

wow i really love the new version!! i loved the old version too and at first i thought ur were just fixing a few things...but im glad i have a whole new story to read with the same characters! keep the chapters coming, i want more more more!!!!

Anonymous said...

hola yo les quiero comentar sobre sobre una mujer que en mis ojos causo muchos efectos ,que me lleva a pensar que el amor se encuentra a trabes de una mirada; es asi como empece a sentir cosas por una gran mujer.