Thursday, January 18, 2007

"....the darkness was electric...."

Hey all, Tiff here. I upgraded our blogger, and I thought I'd drop you all a line as well. If you're on the notify list and haven't switched to the yahoo group yet, we really wish you would. (link to switch.)

On that note, I wanted to let you know that the re-write is well under way. We're working on it, and hope/plan to have the first bit up within the next two weeks. Insanely enough, our schedules are polar opposites, and our time is stretched to the limit, but we're attempting to make it work.

And, I wanted to let you all know about some Hanfic Awards that are out there. The awards are The Ugly Truth awards, and they have all kinds of categories, etc.

I'm not begging you all to nom us, because well, we need rewrites, but if you'd feel inclined, that's the linkage. I hope you all are having a good week, and are staying warm!


Anonymous said...

maybe u won't kill Taylor this time?!

Michelle G

Tiff said...

Haha, no promises. We've got a lot of re-writing to do before we get to Taylor's fate. :)

Thanks for commenting, I'm so glad to see you're still with us! :)