Sunday, March 11, 2007

"....there's fire on the mountain...."

Hey everyone -

I hope you've had a good week. Some of you are probably on Spring break. I (Tiff) am not, but I hope you guys have a great time. I just wanted to drop you all a message to let you know a couple things.

First, chapter 4 of Part ONE of the 'Cannonball Trilogy' is now up. It will be new to you, as nothing in the chapter is from the original story. Also, Chelsi and I had discussed it, and we decided to take down the original "Cannonball," "Broken Road," and "Crash" from the site. Don't panic! We're re-writing them all. We just think this will keep confusion down, and we want the main focus to be on the re-written story.

Second, as I mentioned, Becca's "Feel What I Dream" awards are now back for Spring 2007. If you like us, we'd be happy to be nominated, as I'm sure plenty of other great stories would as well. So I wanted to let you know about that. Nominations opened on MARCH 10, so the time has come.

I hope you all have a great week, and I hope you'll share your thoughts on the latest update (Ch. 4.) in commenting!



Anonymous said...

Hi love the new chapter.
I love how different the rewright is to the first write it's cool cause i lot of writters just re write the same story and just fix up mistakes not take it to a complete different place.

Poor Em there's nothing worst them the first time a baby is sick (i remember the first time it happend to me) i think Taylor could be a little seporting to her.
Ike and Lex are so cute they make me smile.
iI look forward to more Tay and rily interction as much as i love Zac with her i see her being able to help tay.

Looking forward to chapter 5

Love Hayley

Tiff said...

Hi Hayley - thank you so much for commenting. When Chelsi and I started talking about re-writing, I think we had intentions to just fix the mistakes. Then, the more we talked about it, we realized some of the things that needed fixed needed more than a proverbial band-aid. So, we just started writing, and we agreed to include certain parts of the old story that are essential to the plot-line, but how we get there can be totally different. I'm glad you like that, I wasn't sure how our readers would feel.

With Em, we realized we'd made her somewhat flat in the last version. We wanted to give her more of a role in this story. Having a sick baby (especially as a new mother) can definitely be a stress. Taylor should be more supportive, but as you know, he's a very odd character that sort of does things when he feels them to be necessary. He screws up, redeems himself, and does it all again. (haha.)

Isaac and Lexie are adorable aren't they? Every time Chelsi and I write, we talk about how perfect they seem for one another, haha. Taylor and Riley definitely will have more interaction, and so will Riley and Zac. I think you'll be happy with it. :)

Thanks so much for the comment hon. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the new chapter. And though zac and riley are so cute, I have to agree with Hayley and say I want to see her help Tay more. lol I am evil.

Michelle G

Chelsi said...

Thanks Michelle. It appears we have a few Tay/Ril shippers. LoL I, personally, ship Ike/Lex. hehe