Saturday, May 06, 2006 you still believe...?

Hello there, strangers.

Tiff here. I come bearing updates.....which include:
Loads of deleted scenes, the original ending of "Crash," and my final thoughts on the story. Once Chelsi decides to send me her final thoughts, I'll be posting those too, but it hasn't quite happened just yet.

And, we've moved from Notify List to Yahoo groups, which is how we'll be sending our updates from here on out, because like I said in the invite message, Notify List sucks eggs. If you were a member of the NL, you got an invite for the Yahoo group, so accept it. LOL. If you didn't get it, check your spam folders, kids.

Last but not least, voting for the spring "Feel What I Dream" awards is going on at Becca's site, (link to the right) - Chelsi and I are nommed for "Best Author Collaboration," among others, so be sure to check those out, and drop us a vote, or not....but we'd appreciate it if you did.

That's all for now. Behave yourselves.

ETA: Chelsi pointed out that we're also nominated for:
"Most likely to become a famous author" (*huge hugs on that!*)
"Story That Everyone Needs To Read"
"Best Hanfic Site" for Last Stop.

You guys rock. :) We appreciate votes if you like us. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany and Chelsi I got the email and joined the new yahoo group. Also I went to FWID and Voted for you guy's so I hope you win some awards because you guy's totally deserve some awards for your awesome fiction.


Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

Thank you so much Danielle, you are so sweet. :) We really appreciate it. *hug*