Sunday, July 23, 2006

"...our two worlds collided late last night..."

Helllloooooo everybody! Chelsi here. Tiffany is on vacation for two weeks. Can we say lucky duck? LUCKY DUCK. Anyway, she put me in charge of updating you guys on what we've been doing/are doing/going to do.

Tiffany is (should be) on the beach right now, writing some more short stories. Hey, if that's where the inspiration comes from, then let it flow. So, when she gets back she'll (hopefully) have some of those she can post. I'm planning on writing more shorts too, if only I could get the motivation to work on those rather than other things. I digress.

More importantly are the long stories. We have two right now, and after a lot of deliberation, we decided to put one on the back burner, as the inspiration we had for it in the beginning, had pretty much disappeared. We're still really excited about it and the concept though. We just decided that it's a story for another season. =)

The other story that we're working on, we're really excited about. It's a story about survival, and doing all you can to make it. Tiffany is a butt and won't let me tell you much about it, but I will say that we have big ideas for it, and we know what's going to happen in the beginning, the middle, and the end. Which makes it a hell of a lot easier to write, if you know what I mean. So, we're working on that right now and, hopefully, we will be able to start posting that soon. Though, I feel like Hanson when I say that, because I honestly have no idea when 'soon' is. So I apologize.

So, that's where we're at. I hate to be all like "update!" and then have nothing to update. So, I may possibly write a short this week and send it through the yahoo group. So if you haven't signed up for that, you should go ahead and do it!

Oh, the one thing that she wanted me to tell you guys, I nearly forgot! This is why you don't leave me in charge of things. Becca is doing another season of the Feel What I Dream Awards. Those are here: Nominations begin on July go vote for your favorite stories. I know the hanfic world is a little dry right now, what with the current issues involving, and other factors. So it's especially important now to show support for your favorite authors who keep on trucking.

For now, that's all I got. Stay tuned...I'll keep you in the know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany and Chelsi I'm excited to here about this new story that you'll be starting soon. You should take your time on it that way it comes out the way you want it to. It suck's that had to kinda of go and bug people about fanfic I know that's why people are proabaly having harder times wanting to write fanfic. I mean I highly doubt hanson even read any fanfic's about themself's anyway. So why should the people that help run the site care about fan's writing stuff like that anyway. Hope for the new story to start soon and to see some more new short stories you guy's Rock!!!!
