Tuesday, February 07, 2006

last stop.....are you all ready?

Hey everyone - Tiffany here. Chelsi and I finally got smart, haha. I was tired of not having a way for you all to leave comments on the updates, and whatever else, and the chatterbox just wasn't working, so I had this idea....'Why not make a blog?' And now, here we are.

We'll use this to keep you all informed on updates, as well as any and everything else story related.....and you can also let us know what you're thinking without having to go through the annoyance of sending an e-mail. When I am the one posting, I'll mention it's me, and she'll do the same.

Don't you love the information age?

With that said, we're going to start posting "Crash" really soon. I know you all are getting antsy - we understand. We're actually really looking forward to sharing it with you all....and we're almost ready to do that....we just have to work out some last character details and situations to make it even better for you all.

And, we've been talking very recently about re-writing "Cannonball." Don't worry, it wouldn't be loads different, but we would like to go back and fill in some of the holes that we feel like are there....to strengthen the story, and the characters. Considering we wrote the whole story in fourteen days, all 257 typed pages, I think it turned out pretty well. But, "Crash" is like OMG compared to "Cannonball."

Just wait and see.

Also: Updated today: new "Broken Road" reviews from readers, and a new "Cannonball" review from Krystal.


Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

Hey hon - Tiff here. Thank you so much for your feedback. :) Chelsi and I both appreciate it - and thanks for voting too! :)

Advice - you're not going to like everything you write, in fact, you might hate most of it, but it doesn't mean other people will. LOL.

The best thing you can do is just go for it. The more you write and the more you share, the better you'll get. I've been writing for....about ten years now, and my writing is so much better than it used to be.

Just, if you have an idea, stick with it. Do everything you can to develop it, and find a way to relate to your characters in some way. If you can relate to them, chances are, other people can too. :)

Good luck to you!

Rock on,

Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

Chelsi here...I'm kinda giggly at the moment, and I have to pee (again). So, excuse my bluntness.

You want advice, do ya?

First of all, don't be afraid to write, read, edit, rewrite, start over. That's how it works, really.

Second of all, the more you do it, the better you get. It's the truth. Trust me.

Third of all, don't be afraid to throw it out there. Some people may hate it, some people may love it. But you'll never know until you just go ahead and do it.

And if you would like advice on shampoo...go with whatever smells good. =)

Hope that helps. Thanks for reading and voting and being awesome like that. We appreciate it. Muchas gracias!

Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

Melissa - Tiff here again. LOL. I just wanted to note, did you notice that Chelsi and I pretty much gave you the same exact advice? Hahaha. And we didn't talk about it beforehand either. That's just how alike we are. It's insane really. LOL.

Anonymous said...

i just want to say that i really love both your stories and i'm waitning for Crash. i read cannonball and the sequel in three days (and enlgish is not my language but i think it's the best language to express something and you do it very very very very well).
i really love taylor characters, he's not easy to love him, but i thnik that the contrasting feelings he has make me love him. he shifts form joy to pain in a second and reading i can really feel what the character feels.
thanks for helping me improving my english! ;)

keep the good writting ;)

Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

Cameron, Tiff here! :) Thank you so much for commenting. You read the stories in three days? Wow, that's awesome. You have no idea how much that makes me smile knowing that you liked it that much. :)

Lots to come with "Crash" Chelsi and I are writing the end RIGHT now! Seriously! Hehe.

Thank you so much for reading hon! And thanks for commenting. :)