Monday, April 03, 2006

....and c a n n o n b a l l into the water....

S U R P R I S E !

'Tis Monday, and Chelsi and I thought you guys might enjoy a SURPRISE update, that is NOT part of the two chapters I'll post later this week. That's right, this is a goody post. Yep.

Maybe I scared ya'll with my randomness in the last blog, because we've only received three comments, and we know at LEAST twelve of you read this story. LOL. That makes us maybe you decided you didn't love us anymore.

So please, please, please, please comment on this chapter and the two before it. We really like to know if you all think we're totally insane, if you hate what we did (our characters,) or love it. Because see, we're in the "Cannonball" bubble, so we think all of it's good, and that might not be true. So you've got to tell us!

And did fewer comment because they weren't chapters that focus around Taylor? I'm just wondering, because we thought maybe that was it..... His character is captivating, isn't it? And trust me when I say, as we wrote him, he did exactly as he wanted, we had no control. LOL.

Good times.

Okay so, now you have a surprise update,
chapter 11 of "Crash" is up at Last Stop.
*big grin*

We love you if you do. ;)


Anonymous said...

omg... yeah ike and alex. ahhh poor riley. I hope things work out for her, Taylor and Zac.

I loved the part about "because I am pretty" lol cracked me up for days.

michelle g

keep it up.

Anonymous said...

taylor taking a pregnancy test is hilarious!
things seem to be better for ike and lex, but i want to know so bad what's gonna happen to zac/ryl/taylor

thank u for the update ;)

Anonymous said...

omg wuts zac going to do!!!! im so happy for alexis and isaac. she better get her butt home. is that what happens when a guy takes a pregnancy test? cant wait for more:)!!!! happy taylor is very kewl too btw.

Anonymous said...

omg that was hilarious about taylor taking a pregnacy test. Thing's seem to be getting better for ike and lex I hope it stay's that way. Poor zac and riley I hope they can work thing's out I really want them to stay together.


Last Stop Fiction Writers said...

LOL, Michelle. Isn't the "pretty" part great? That was all Chelsi, I laughed *so* hard when I read it, and it still gets me every single time.

LOL Cameron, it is, isn't it? Chelsi told me about writing that whole scene before she did it, and it turned out to be HILARIOUS. Things are certainly looking up for Ike and Lex. And we've got lots more coming with Ril, Tay, and Zac. Hehe.

LOL Jess, he's in a pickle, isn't he? And I have no idea if that's what would happen if a guy were to take a pregnancy test. I think we wanted to imply the positive result because it was a really old test. That does commonly happen, a false positive due to the age of the test. I doubt a guy would get a positive result any other way, unless he had something odd going on with his hormones. LOL. And we're glad you like happy Taylor, LOL. Lots of readers seem to prefer sad, depressed Taylor. Hehe.

Thanks so much Danielle. :)

Keep the comments coming guys, we appreciate them.

Rock on,

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the weekend update!!!